Me, myself, and I
My name is Miss Pink *liar*.
I love pink and Hello Kitty's stuff.
I hate papaya so damn *iuhh*.
My english and French are not good enough.
My favorite band is Super Junior.
I love France but I'm Indonesian
[] Do Well In french and english
[] Chef or pattiserie???
[] Pink cybershot
[] Going to France
[] Having pink luggage
Jumat, 27 November 2009
I never update my blog since I was lazy.. banyak kerjaan nih d kampus *BOHONG BESAR*. NYAHAHAHAHAHA~~
Dua hari yang lalu saya baru ulang tahun loh. Buat kalian semua jgn ucapin slamat ulang taon yah. Sebenernya, G GA SUKA DIUCAPIN SELAMAT ULANG TAHUN. Dengan bgtu, kt jd sadar kalo umur kita tuh makin nambah. It means TUA.. HADOOHH..
yah tapi ulang tahun ada enaknya jg krn pas g ulang taun yang ke *PIIIIIPP* (sensor), BANYAAAK BGT yg ngerayain *senang*. Dapet kado lagi..
Pertama: dirayain sm kelompok kecil Poutry. Trus dikasih babi PINK GEDEEE.. senangnya.. yang paling penting adalah tiup lilin. G suka tiup lilin and make a wish for me.
Kedua: sm temen2 SMA g. tdny g pikir kita (g dan Nana) hanya akan merayakannya berdua doank. TERNYATA.. LOLY PULANG DR MALAY DAN LANGSUNG DATENG BUAT NGERAYAIN ULTAH G.. *seneng bgt* Busukny, mereka berdua udah ngerancanain ini sebulan sebelumnya. Lalu, g dapet jepit topi sama cake..
Ketiga: dikasih hadiah sm kak lia tas ransel PINK..
Sebenernya ulang taun itu memang asik cuma bisa ga klo umur g ga nambah2?? *ga mungkin deh*
Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009
It's killing me, this feeling... It makes you feel that you're the most stupid person in this world..
Waiting for his SMS...
Thinking of him everytime..
Pretending you're not in love with him but you're eyes say yes..
Blushing when you hear his name..
Crying when you know he's sad..
But, it cheers your day, doesn't it???
Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009
aduhh susahnya yah ngerubah ade g yg lelaki satu itu. Hmmm... G kan cm bilang, "DEPIN.. skali2 coba deh dandan kaya cowo mesos. Cici bs kok dandanin km dikit.."
Dy langsung kabur entah ke mana... *sigh*
Abisny bosen ngeliat ade g cm pake t-shirt sama jeans 3/4. Itu2 mulu. Hmmm...
Senin, 28 September 2009
I MISS THEMM SO MUCH. I feel like I'm going to blow up because of missing them. When can you go back home? I've wanted to see you, all of you. Please come back early..
ANYWAY, today is really freaking day and I was so obviously stupid. Okay, I tell you my story. So, let's say that I like my lecture and almost fall in love. FYI, he's still young and I'm still normal, okay! I chatted with my friend and suddenly he just passed by and I didn't realize about it. I kept talking with a loud voice. I don't know he heard it or not. But I got embrassed. YES OF COURSE.. HOW COME YOU SPEAK ABOUT SOMEONE YOU LIKE IN FRONT OF HIM?! OMG...
And the second: I saw someone who looks like my friend. And I thought it was her. So I called her name loudly and she wasn't her... She's smilling and I'm blushing... Silly me...
Enough for today and I need rest to relax my mind.. Am I going crazy???
Sabtu, 26 September 2009
Okei bahasa is on the channel.. wuih..
Hard to say, UANG JAJAN BULAN DEPAN UDAH ABIS SEPARO. Ini gara2 liburan. Liburan membuat kita mengeluarkan uang berlebih *riset yg g uji coba kepada diri g sendiri*. Dalam 2 hari g udah membeli 1 pasang sepatu, 1 botol cologne (bukan cologne sembarangan nih coy), 1 rompi, 1 dress, 1 topi. But I'm not regret. I'm totaly alive. YEAH.. Belanja membuat tubuh menjadi sehat dan menyenangkan untuk dilakukan. Saya anjurkan anda melakukanny seminggu sekali. Hmm..
Terkadang g kepikiran buat ngerubah ni blog jadi fashion blog.. masih dalam tahap pemikiran..
Selasa, 15 September 2009
yoshh.. I'm back from my real life. My beloved friends are so far away. But I still love them and miss them so damn. I don't know when we will meet again, mock each other, laugh. I really miss.
One thing that I believe we have our own way and someday we will see each other become a success person in the future. Can't wait 'till then but, I should..
Because human is the most suffering creature so they need to laugh..
Rabu, 09 September 2009
Wueh... kuliah memang lebih melelahkan. Baru kali ini pulang dari kampus jam 9 malem sampe rumah. YOIYOI, tapi seru loh. I'm started to like it. Wake up in the morning, go home at night are my schedule. hehehehehe~~~
Pertama kali masuk kuliah setelah semester pendek g selesai, I was late for about 15 minutes. Yah masih batas wajar lah yah. For the next day, I was late again for ONE HOUR. Stupid me!!! G merasa g masuk jem 9. TERNYATA SODARA2!!! saya masuk jem 8. Yah untungnya ada temen g seorang yang telat jg dan untung my lecture is kind, he let us came in. hahahahaha~ yah yang berlalu biarlah berlalu...
have no story to tell you...
maybe later
after I got home from grand kemang
c u
NB: sorry for mixing bahasa and english..